How To: Easy & Delicious Elderberry Syrup

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Have you heard of elderberry syrup?

Elderberries have been used since ancient Egyptian times for their many health benefits. Hippocrates, the "father of medicine", called elderberries his "medicine cabinet.”

Here's why:
- Elderberries are an excellent general immune system booster. The berries contain chemical compounds called anthocyanidins, which are known to have immunostimulant effects. Fights colds and flu!! Source

-Sinus Infection Aid
With elderberry’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, it makes sense that it can help sinus issues.

-Balances Blood Sugar 

Taking a dose every day is a great way to be proactive with your health in the fall & winter!! Let's start taking care of our immune systems NOW so that they are strong and ready to work when we need them to LATER. No one wants to spend the holidays in Urgent Care! (Been there, done that, never ever want to do it again.)

The truth is our bodies were designed to heal themselves (immune system) but with environmental factors and just not always taking care of ourselves the way we should sometimes we need to "jump-start" our systems so that we have the best chance of staying well through the next few months. What's that saying...the best defense is a good offense? This most definitely applies to our health.

You can do a quick google search to read more about why these things are important, or check out more info here:

You can buy elderberry syrup pre-made, but it’s super easy and much cheaper to make your own! Here’s a yummy recipe that adds the power punch of Young Living essential oils:

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You want to get this in your body DAILY, so make it a habit! Take it straight up (dosage on the recipe card), or add it to sugar free juice or Ningxia Red (Young Living antioxidant drink). My kids and husband get theirs in the morning before school when they take their multivitamins and Ningxia Red. I take mine in the afternoon as a fun little mocktail that I look forward to: Ningxia Red, Ningxia Nitro, elderberry syrup, and Grapefruit Izze.

It’s fun to make a big batch, so call some friends, grab some jars, and get to cookin’!

A Relaxing Bath with Lavender + Pine Essential Oils

Lavender Pine Essential Oils bathtub closeup

Baths are one of my favorite ways to unwind and relax, and since we've moved to the new house I have spent a lot of time my tub reading.  It makes me happy!

I love to add a cup or so of epsom salts with essential oils to the water.  A favorite combo is Lavender + Pine.  I enjoy the mix of floral and woodsy aromas and regularly diffuse it and add it to our wool dryer balls, but there's more to it than just smelling good! There's a reason I often choose these two for bathtime.

Lavender is well-known as a calming oil. Linalool, one of it's natural chemical constituents, is responsible for this reputation.  It has shown to reduce stress levels and create a calming atmosphere. It can totally be used alone, but I like to mix it with a less floral oil to tone it down a bit.

Pine was historically added to baths to revitalize people struggling with mental or emotional fatigue and/or nervous exhaustion. It helps soothe mental stress and relieve occasional anxiety. And BONUS: Pine may also stimulate the adrenal glands and circulatory system.* 

Other favorite calming/relaxing blends:

Lavender + Orange

Lavender + Pine + Rosemary

Pine + Frankincense

The next time you find yourself stressed or anxious, grab these Lavender + Pine and get to sniffin'!

Learn more about how we use Lavender HERE and HERE.


*Reference Guide for Essential Oils, Higley

Photosensitive Essential Oils + FREE DOWNLOAD

photosensitive essential oils young living flyer

Let's talk oils + photosensitivity. You may have seen some articles floating around facebook with pictures of people with pretty severe burns from using essential oils and then going in the sun all day. Some of the articles are a bit sensational and misleading, and I always want to educate you guys with the TRUTH so that you are equipped to use your oils safely, effectively, and confidently!

It is important to know that some essential oils ARE photosensitive (mainly citrus oils, and blends that contain them).  This means that when they are applied topically, they increase our skin's REACTIVITY to the sun's UV rays.  If we put Lemon oil neat (undiluted) on our wrists and then go spend time in the sun, there's a good chance that we'll walk away with a severe sunburn.  This is not a burn from the oil itself, it is a SUNBURN because the oil made our skin much more reactive to sunlight. The same thing happens if you handle lemon or lime juice and don't wash your hands before going in the sun.  Google "margarita burn."  This is called phytophotodermatitis.

The good news is that we don't have to stop using our beloved citrus oils in the summer!  We can simply apply them at night or somewhere that will be covered by clothing.  Even the bottom of our feet! I like to wear them on a diffuser necklace so that I can still smell them without having to apply them to my neck or wrists. You can also dilute them well and apply them where you usually would - just be sure to pay attention to how much sun exposure that spot is getting. If you do apply a photosensitive oil, be sure to avoid direct sunlight for up to 12 hours.

I made this handy dandy flyer for you to download and print to keep with your oils so that you know which oils to use with caution this summer!

*This list is not comprehensive.  Be sure to read your labels (especially blends!) to see if any oils on the list are in them before exposing to sunlight.*


Drink More Water!

water with essential oils orange

Let’s talk about  W A T E R!  We hear “Drink more water!” all the time, but WHY is it so important? Well, every cell in our bodies (all 100ish trillion of them!) requires water to function properly.  Even very mild dehydration can result in:

  • impaired mood
  • an increase in the frequency of headaches
  • muscle fatigue (which makes exercise difficult)
  • chronic fatigue/exhaustion
  • constipation
  • lack of concentration

Besides preventing all of the above, water is also incredibly important for you kidneys to be able to flush toxins out of your system. We don't want toxins hanging around! Many of the symptoms we experience daily can be avoided by simply drinking more water.

We should drink around EIGHT 8oz glasses of WATER a day.  Sports drinks do not count.  Coconut water doesn’t count (though it is good for you).  Juicing doesn’t count. Water that has been turned into tea or lemonade or coffee does NOT count. It needs to be filtered, pure water. If you’re like I was 2 years ago, that sounds daunting!  I didn’t even LIKE water, so how was I supposed to drink that much every single day?! 

If you don’t yet enjoy drinking water and are accustomed to drinking sodas or other flavored beverages all day, one thing you can do is add a drop or 2 of essential oil in your glass of water for flavor.  When you use oils to flavor your water, you reap the health benefits of the water AND the oils.  It’s a win, win!  Some of my favorite oils to add are Young Living’s:

  • Lemon Vitality
  • Peppermint Vitality
  • Orange Vitality
  • Tangerine Vitality
  • Grapefruit Vitality

We use a Berkey Water Filtration system in our home, and I keep a glass water bottle with me at all times and a mason jar beside the system so that I can easily drink water throughout the day.  When you decide to become intentional about upping your water intake, I suggest keeping track of your consumption either in a journal or in an app like iDrated or Waterlogged. Before long, you’ll find yourself craving water! It’s amazing what happens when we give our body what it NEEDS instead of just what we think we WANT. 

**When I speak of consumption of essential oils, I am only referring to the Young Living Vitality line of EOs. Please do not ingest oils off the shelf at your local health food store (or Whole Foods/Wal-Mart/Bed Bath & Beyond). Do your research!**


Cooking with Essential Oils

cooking with lemon essential oil

Everyone knows that oregano, basil, and cinnamon are great seasonings for flavorful dishes, but did you know that those same herbs, and many others, in their essential oil form, are even MORE potent? It’s true - not only is the flavor stronger, but essential oils offer health benefits when you cook with them that the dried herbs do not.

You can ingest (and cook) with any of Young Living’s Vitality oils, which is the Dietary line of oils.

Benefits of cooking with Young Living Vitality essential oils:

With just a drop of oil (or less!), essential oils give food incredible flavor. Fresh herbs and dried herbs eventually go bad, but essential oils last MUCH longer and can be more cost effective in the long run. Each individual essential oil has a multitude of health benefits unique to it, and you can reap those benefits by cooking with them (as well as through inhalation, applying them topically, and ingesting via capsule).

How much oil do I substitute for herbs?

Well, that differs depending on the oil. Generally, you will want to start with less and then add more to taste as needed. 

Herbaceous Vitality oils, like basil, oregano, thyme, dill, etc are very potent. Start by running a toothpick in the rim of the oil bottle then dipping it into your dish. Repeat as necessary to get the flavor you want.  I like to add these oils early in the cooking process and then add more before serving if necessary.

For citrus oils - Lemon, Lime, Orange Vitality, etc - I typically use 1-2 drops per tsp of juice/zest

For Peppermint and Spearmint Vitality, try using 1 drop per tsp of dried mint. 

Cinnamon Vitality essential oil is also strong in flavor, so I use 1 drop per 1 tbsp of ground cinnamon. 

Remember, you can always add more later, but you can’t take it back after you’ve already added it! A little bit goes a long way. When in doubt, start with a toothpick dip and just addmore a little at a time.

A couple of my favorite ways to cook with essential oils:

Peppermint Brownies

Gluten Free Lemon Blueberry Pie

**Only cook with and ingest Young Living Vitality essential oils.**


Gift Ideas using Essential Oils

essential oil gift ideas

It's the season for GIVING! What better gift can you give than the gift of wellness? Here's a few ideas for cute and creative ways to give essential oils to those you love:

* Premium Starter Kit  - set your loved one up with everything they need!

* Owie Oil and a package of fun bandaids (so cute for kiddos!)

* Lavender Hand & Body Lotion and some fuzzy socks 

* Lavender Hand & Body Lotion and a nail file set

* ART Skin Care System and a cute washcloth/hair tie

* Lime Oil and a Margarita glass/Margarita Salt/Margarita Mix

* Lime Oil and a Guacamole Bowl (Molcajete)

* Thieves Laundry Soap and some wool dryer balls

* Thieves Laundry Soap and a cute Laundry sign to hang 

* Thieves Hand Purifier and/or Lavender Hand & Body Lotion and mittens/gloves

* Basil Oil and Einkorn Spaghetti and cute Spaghetti Serving Spoon

* Lemon Oil/Grapefruit/Lime/Tangerine and a Glass Water Bottle - Target Dollar Spot has glass water bottles for $5!

* PanAway and a hand held wooden massager 

* Joy Oil and a Christmas Ornament (Joyful Christmas)

* Joy Oil and a Diffuser bracelet/necklace

* Lavender Oil and a stuffed animal or baby blanket

* Lavender Oil and an Eye Mask 

* Copaiba and a Teething Necklace

* Copaiba and a hot/cold pack (cute one for when kids get owies)

* Peppermint Vitality and a package of cocoa mix and a cute mug

* Peppermint Vitality and a package of brownie mix

* Peppermint and a Christmas Ornament

* Stress Away and a good book

* Stress Away and a cute package of epsom salts

* Stress Away and a Stress Ball (and maybe some booze LOL)

* Home Diffuser and bottle of oil

* Aria Diffuser and an Engagement Ring (LOL) 

* Frankincense and/or Myrrh and a nativity set

* Shutran Shave Cream and Shutran Aftershave Lotion

These are just a few ideas. The possibilities are endless! How are YOU gifting wellness this year? Leave a comment and tell me your plans!


Oil Cleansing with Essential Oils


Oil Cleansing.

It's a thing.

Every time I tell people that I wash my face with oil they look at me like I've lost my ever-loving mind. And I get it - it sounds gross and counterproductive, but it actually works.

When you strip your body's natural oils with traditional face cleansers, it works overtime to restore them which can leave your skin oilier and breakout prone. Cleansing with oil is gentle and leaves the natural oils (while cleansing impurities and makeup) so your body doesn't need to over compensate. I add essential oils that are great for skin to my oil cleanser to help combat the signs of aging.

My Oil Cleansing recipe:

4oz bottle of Leven Rose Jojoba oil

40 drops Elemi essential oil

15 drops Geranium essential oil

10 drops Lavender essential oil

For moisturizing after cleansing:

Add one drop of Frankincense essential oil to a few drops of the Oil Cleansing recipe and gently massage onto face and neck.


Peppermint Essential Oil Brownies (Gluten Free/Dairy Free)


Kick your brownies up a notch and knock the socks off everyone at your holiday gatherings with this gut-friendly recipe! Peppermint Vitality essential oil is the secret ingredient.  This is one of my favorite uses for Peppermint.  I hope you enjoy it too!

gluten free dairy free peppermint brownies recipe.jpg

Gut-friendly Peppermint Brownies


1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips. melted

1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder

1/3 cup refined coconut oil

3 TBSP water

1 cup Coconut Sugar

2 large eggs, at room temperature

1/2 cup Gluten Free flour

1/4 teaspoon Pink Himalayan salt

3 - 5 drops of Young Living Peppermint Vitality Essential Oil

1. Preheat oven to 350.  Grease an 8x8 baking dish and line with parchment paper, letting the paper hang over the sides of the pan on 2 sides (for easy removal).

In a bowl, whisk together the melted chocolate chips, cocoa powder, oil, and water until smooth.

2. In a large bowl, whisk together the eggs and sugar.  Whisk in the chocolate mixture. Fold in the flour and salt until just combined (do not over work this). Transfer to baking dish and spread to all corners.  Bake until set and the brownie edges start to peel away for the dish. Usually 25 - 28 minutes.  Brownies will be moist and slightly gooey.  Fully amazing.

Sprinkle *lightly* with powdered sugar as a garnish if you're feeling froggy.


Essential Oils First Aid Kit + printables

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Have you ever had a kid wake up sick in the middle of the night only to discover that you don't have what you need to help them and thus find yourself speeding to the corner CVS at 3am? I know that happened to us before we started using our oils. Now, we always have what we need ready to go, and there's no more groggy trips to the pharmacy - just groggy trips downstairs. Ha!

We have a First Aid Kit for the kids that has the oil blends that we use most often with them. I included instruction cards on where/how to apply them so that when we hand the kit to sitters and grandparents they know exactly what to do. No more stressing about correct dosages of OTC meds!  The kids can roll the oils on themselves, and caretakers can rest easy knowing they can't screw it up. We're empowering our kids to take their health into their own hands, and that is amazing.

I've made this whole kit into printables so that you can create one of your own for your family! Winter is coming with all of its yuckiness, so go ahead and get a head start and put your kit together. You'll be so glad you have it!

The download includes Usage Cards, Recipes, and bottle labels.

DOWNLOAD the PRINTABLES by clicking the links below:

*Usage Cards*


*Bottle Labels*


Fruity Greek Yogurt


At the start of every new school year, I always find myself looking for ways to simplify our lives. For me, the hardest part of the day is getting everyone up, fed, and out the door for school. I want to streamline this time as much as possible, but I also want to make sure my kids are being fueled with a healthy breakfast before I send them off.
One my kids’ favorite breakfasts is full fat Greek yogurt with their choice of Vitality citrus oil and fresh fruit. We stay stocked up on all the berries because it is easy for the kids to grab them and add to the yogurt without needing to peel or cut anything, AND because they are all high in antioxidants and vitamins. If you really want to save time in the morning, let them choose their fruit the night before and pre-load them into bowls in the fridge so all you have to do in the morning is add the yogurt + oils they choose. Because Greek Yogurt isn’t sweet, I do let my kids add a little honey or sprinkle some coconut sugar over the top. You can also add the new Einkorn granola that is delicious!

Quick and Easy Fruity Greek Yogurt
-1 cup full fat Greek Yogurt
-Handful of fresh berries or fruit
-1 drop of your favorite Vitality citrus oil
-Sprinkle of coconut sugar or drizzle of honey
-Einkorn Granola

Here are some combos we love:
-Raspberry Lemonade (raspberries + Lemon or Lime Vitality) 
-Orange Creamsicle (bananas + Orange or Tangerine Vitality) 
-Berry Blast (blackberries, blueberries, + Lemon or Lime Vitality) 
-Strawberry Banana (strawberries, bananas + Lemon Vitality)


August Essential Rewards Wellness Box


I recruited Silas to help explain our monthly wellness box that we receive from Young Living. He is so good at this!  We get to customize our order every month so we only get products that we want. And we can even choose when we receive it!  

This month we ordered several essential oils to stock up for our winter wellness toolbox so that we are ready when all the crud starts going around, because it will, and we want to be ready. We support our Immune Systems year-round with oils, supplements, and a healthy diet so that we have a good head start for winter.

If you could have oils arrive on your doorstep every month, which ones would you choose?