How To: Easy & Delicious Elderberry Syrup

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Have you heard of elderberry syrup?

Elderberries have been used since ancient Egyptian times for their many health benefits. Hippocrates, the "father of medicine", called elderberries his "medicine cabinet.”

Here's why:
- Elderberries are an excellent general immune system booster. The berries contain chemical compounds called anthocyanidins, which are known to have immunostimulant effects. Fights colds and flu!! Source

-Sinus Infection Aid
With elderberry’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, it makes sense that it can help sinus issues.

-Balances Blood Sugar 

Taking a dose every day is a great way to be proactive with your health in the fall & winter!! Let's start taking care of our immune systems NOW so that they are strong and ready to work when we need them to LATER. No one wants to spend the holidays in Urgent Care! (Been there, done that, never ever want to do it again.)

The truth is our bodies were designed to heal themselves (immune system) but with environmental factors and just not always taking care of ourselves the way we should sometimes we need to "jump-start" our systems so that we have the best chance of staying well through the next few months. What's that saying...the best defense is a good offense? This most definitely applies to our health.

You can do a quick google search to read more about why these things are important, or check out more info here:

You can buy elderberry syrup pre-made, but it’s super easy and much cheaper to make your own! Here’s a yummy recipe that adds the power punch of Young Living essential oils:

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You want to get this in your body DAILY, so make it a habit! Take it straight up (dosage on the recipe card), or add it to sugar free juice or Ningxia Red (Young Living antioxidant drink). My kids and husband get theirs in the morning before school when they take their multivitamins and Ningxia Red. I take mine in the afternoon as a fun little mocktail that I look forward to: Ningxia Red, Ningxia Nitro, elderberry syrup, and Grapefruit Izze.

It’s fun to make a big batch, so call some friends, grab some jars, and get to cookin’!

Essential Oils First Aid Kit + printables

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Have you ever had a kid wake up sick in the middle of the night only to discover that you don't have what you need to help them and thus find yourself speeding to the corner CVS at 3am? I know that happened to us before we started using our oils. Now, we always have what we need ready to go, and there's no more groggy trips to the pharmacy - just groggy trips downstairs. Ha!

We have a First Aid Kit for the kids that has the oil blends that we use most often with them. I included instruction cards on where/how to apply them so that when we hand the kit to sitters and grandparents they know exactly what to do. No more stressing about correct dosages of OTC meds!  The kids can roll the oils on themselves, and caretakers can rest easy knowing they can't screw it up. We're empowering our kids to take their health into their own hands, and that is amazing.

I've made this whole kit into printables so that you can create one of your own for your family! Winter is coming with all of its yuckiness, so go ahead and get a head start and put your kit together. You'll be so glad you have it!

The download includes Usage Cards, Recipes, and bottle labels.

DOWNLOAD the PRINTABLES by clicking the links below:

*Usage Cards*


*Bottle Labels*


August Essential Rewards Wellness Box


I recruited Silas to help explain our monthly wellness box that we receive from Young Living. He is so good at this!  We get to customize our order every month so we only get products that we want. And we can even choose when we receive it!  

This month we ordered several essential oils to stock up for our winter wellness toolbox so that we are ready when all the crud starts going around, because it will, and we want to be ready. We support our Immune Systems year-round with oils, supplements, and a healthy diet so that we have a good head start for winter.

If you could have oils arrive on your doorstep every month, which ones would you choose?