How To: Easy & Delicious Elderberry Syrup

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Have you heard of elderberry syrup?

Elderberries have been used since ancient Egyptian times for their many health benefits. Hippocrates, the "father of medicine", called elderberries his "medicine cabinet.”

Here's why:
- Elderberries are an excellent general immune system booster. The berries contain chemical compounds called anthocyanidins, which are known to have immunostimulant effects. Fights colds and flu!! Source

-Sinus Infection Aid
With elderberry’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, it makes sense that it can help sinus issues.

-Balances Blood Sugar 

Taking a dose every day is a great way to be proactive with your health in the fall & winter!! Let's start taking care of our immune systems NOW so that they are strong and ready to work when we need them to LATER. No one wants to spend the holidays in Urgent Care! (Been there, done that, never ever want to do it again.)

The truth is our bodies were designed to heal themselves (immune system) but with environmental factors and just not always taking care of ourselves the way we should sometimes we need to "jump-start" our systems so that we have the best chance of staying well through the next few months. What's that saying...the best defense is a good offense? This most definitely applies to our health.

You can do a quick google search to read more about why these things are important, or check out more info here:

You can buy elderberry syrup pre-made, but it’s super easy and much cheaper to make your own! Here’s a yummy recipe that adds the power punch of Young Living essential oils:

Elderberry Syrup recipe card watermarked.JPG


You want to get this in your body DAILY, so make it a habit! Take it straight up (dosage on the recipe card), or add it to sugar free juice or Ningxia Red (Young Living antioxidant drink). My kids and husband get theirs in the morning before school when they take their multivitamins and Ningxia Red. I take mine in the afternoon as a fun little mocktail that I look forward to: Ningxia Red, Ningxia Nitro, elderberry syrup, and Grapefruit Izze.

It’s fun to make a big batch, so call some friends, grab some jars, and get to cookin’!

5 Ideas for Celebrating May Day

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May 1st is known as May Day -  a celebration of the changing of seasons and the arrival of Spring after a long winter.  Traditionally this is celebrated by leaving fresh flowers on the doors & porches of friends and neighbors, and I LOVE participating in this tradition! I want this to become something that everyone looks forward to each year. #flowersformay2019

You can go as big or as simple as you want, but if you want to participate this year, you need to do a bit of planning now so everything goes smoothly on delivery day - May 1! Set a reminder for April 30 so you don’t forget.

There are so many different ways that you can choose to gift flowers - use your imagination and get creative!

  • Get your kids involved and let them deliver in the neighborhood. Can’t you just picture a wagon full of little vases overflowing with flowers being pulled behind a wobbly toddler?! I’m here for that ALL DAY!

  • For the containers you can use anything! Last year I bought little vases at Dollar Tree and tied baker’s twine around them to hang on doors (see the photo above). They turned out wonderfully! You can gather little baskets (all the Easter baskets are on clearance now!), strawberry baskets, or make your own out of cute paper.

  • For paper cones like these from Skip To My Lou, you’ll need a few additional supplies that aren’t listed so that the flowers stay fresh: rubber bands, snack size zip-lock bags, and water. Simply put the bag over the stems of flowers, fill with just enough water to reach the stems, then tightly rubberband the zip-lock to the stems and place in the cone. There is a printable for the cute little tags too!

  • For baskets, wet floral foam is helpful for both keeping the flowers arranged how you like them and keeping them alive. You can find floral foam at Hobby Lobby.

  • Save money by gathering wildflowers or purchase bouquets from Trader Joe’s or your local grocery/Farmer’s Market and split them into smaller bunches. You’d be surprised how many flowers are actually in those pre-made bouquets! You’ll need gardening sheers (or plain ol’ scissors) to trim the stems, and floral tape (Dollar Tree/Hobby Lobby) to tie them together. Trust me on the tape - it comes in handy!

  • Another idea is to skip the fresh-cut flowers and go for a live plant. Everything miniature is cute (right?!) so you could give a small planter with your favorite blooming flower (or succulent) in it. A gift that keeps on giving! Or plant it in a mason jar like Yesterday On Tuesday did:

  • If you have a neighborhood full of kids, it would be so fun to plan to make Floral Crowns with them on May Day afternoon after school! They could wear them while making deliveries and you could even do a little photoshoot. Make crowns out of wild clover flowers, or buy fresh and go big! How gorgeous are these?! They’re a little more involved, and probably better for older kids or your girlfriends, but totally worth it. Full tutorial by Monika Hibbs!

  • I created a couple printable tags - print on pretty paper or let your kids color them!

Click photo to download!

Click photo to download!

Click photo to download!

Click photo to download!

I hope your May Day celebrations fill you and those you love with JOY!

Use hashtag #flowersformay2019 if you share on social so I can see your great ideas!