Peppermint Essential Oil Brownies (Gluten Free/Dairy Free)


Kick your brownies up a notch and knock the socks off everyone at your holiday gatherings with this gut-friendly recipe! Peppermint Vitality essential oil is the secret ingredient.  This is one of my favorite uses for Peppermint.  I hope you enjoy it too!

gluten free dairy free peppermint brownies recipe.jpg

Gut-friendly Peppermint Brownies


1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips. melted

1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder

1/3 cup refined coconut oil

3 TBSP water

1 cup Coconut Sugar

2 large eggs, at room temperature

1/2 cup Gluten Free flour

1/4 teaspoon Pink Himalayan salt

3 - 5 drops of Young Living Peppermint Vitality Essential Oil

1. Preheat oven to 350.  Grease an 8x8 baking dish and line with parchment paper, letting the paper hang over the sides of the pan on 2 sides (for easy removal).

In a bowl, whisk together the melted chocolate chips, cocoa powder, oil, and water until smooth.

2. In a large bowl, whisk together the eggs and sugar.  Whisk in the chocolate mixture. Fold in the flour and salt until just combined (do not over work this). Transfer to baking dish and spread to all corners.  Bake until set and the brownie edges start to peel away for the dish. Usually 25 - 28 minutes.  Brownies will be moist and slightly gooey.  Fully amazing.

Sprinkle *lightly* with powdered sugar as a garnish if you're feeling froggy.


Coconut Energy Bites


I quit coffee and pretty much all processed sugar on the same day.

Apparently I like to torture myself.

J/k. I actually feel so much better once I detox from the caffeine and sugar.

Thankfully, the withdrawal has been minimal, and I'm giving all the credit to 2 things:

1. Young Living's Ningxia Red high antioxidant drink

2. Coconut Energy Bites

I looked at several recipes that I found online for inspiration, and then in the end I just threw some things in the food processor and hoped for the best.  Man. I was not disappointed. They are super yummy (I'm a hard sell), and are really good for you. Omega 3s and the good sugar. And they help me get through the afternoon slump, which means they've endeared themselves to me forever. ha

Make some and try them out! It's easy peasy.


1 cup unsweetened coconut flakes

1/2 cup raw almonds

1/2 cup walnuts

10-12 pitted dates

1/4 tsp vanilla extract

Throw everything into a food processor until it starts to stick together and ball up. Line a 9x9 baking pan with wax paper, leaving the width of the pan in wax paper hanging out. Pour the mixture onto it. Press it down making sure that it's an even thickness throughout.  Cover with the excess paper and press down.  The oil from the nuts will make it stick. Place in freezer for an hour or until it firms up.  Cut into bite size bars and transfer to a sealed dish. Store in refrigerator.  

They'll stay good in the fridge for 2-3 weeks, and in the freezer for 3 months.

I've also made Chocolate Peanut Butter Bites (on the right in the picture) and Pumpkin Spice Bites.  I'll share those recipes soon!



Fruity Greek Yogurt


At the start of every new school year, I always find myself looking for ways to simplify our lives. For me, the hardest part of the day is getting everyone up, fed, and out the door for school. I want to streamline this time as much as possible, but I also want to make sure my kids are being fueled with a healthy breakfast before I send them off.
One my kids’ favorite breakfasts is full fat Greek yogurt with their choice of Vitality citrus oil and fresh fruit. We stay stocked up on all the berries because it is easy for the kids to grab them and add to the yogurt without needing to peel or cut anything, AND because they are all high in antioxidants and vitamins. If you really want to save time in the morning, let them choose their fruit the night before and pre-load them into bowls in the fridge so all you have to do in the morning is add the yogurt + oils they choose. Because Greek Yogurt isn’t sweet, I do let my kids add a little honey or sprinkle some coconut sugar over the top. You can also add the new Einkorn granola that is delicious!

Quick and Easy Fruity Greek Yogurt
-1 cup full fat Greek Yogurt
-Handful of fresh berries or fruit
-1 drop of your favorite Vitality citrus oil
-Sprinkle of coconut sugar or drizzle of honey
-Einkorn Granola

Here are some combos we love:
-Raspberry Lemonade (raspberries + Lemon or Lime Vitality) 
-Orange Creamsicle (bananas + Orange or Tangerine Vitality) 
-Berry Blast (blackberries, blueberries, + Lemon or Lime Vitality) 
-Strawberry Banana (strawberries, bananas + Lemon Vitality)