Fruity Greek Yogurt


At the start of every new school year, I always find myself looking for ways to simplify our lives. For me, the hardest part of the day is getting everyone up, fed, and out the door for school. I want to streamline this time as much as possible, but I also want to make sure my kids are being fueled with a healthy breakfast before I send them off.
One my kids’ favorite breakfasts is full fat Greek yogurt with their choice of Vitality citrus oil and fresh fruit. We stay stocked up on all the berries because it is easy for the kids to grab them and add to the yogurt without needing to peel or cut anything, AND because they are all high in antioxidants and vitamins. If you really want to save time in the morning, let them choose their fruit the night before and pre-load them into bowls in the fridge so all you have to do in the morning is add the yogurt + oils they choose. Because Greek Yogurt isn’t sweet, I do let my kids add a little honey or sprinkle some coconut sugar over the top. You can also add the new Einkorn granola that is delicious!

Quick and Easy Fruity Greek Yogurt
-1 cup full fat Greek Yogurt
-Handful of fresh berries or fruit
-1 drop of your favorite Vitality citrus oil
-Sprinkle of coconut sugar or drizzle of honey
-Einkorn Granola

Here are some combos we love:
-Raspberry Lemonade (raspberries + Lemon or Lime Vitality) 
-Orange Creamsicle (bananas + Orange or Tangerine Vitality) 
-Berry Blast (blackberries, blueberries, + Lemon or Lime Vitality) 
-Strawberry Banana (strawberries, bananas + Lemon Vitality)